
Current Event #9: Global Warming

1/16/20 Blaine Gould Global warming   The Earth is getting hotter causing temperatures to rise and geographic features to disappear. Every year, for the past forty years, has been warmer than the 20th-century average. The records that hold the hottest year records, have occurred in the past three decades. Scientific research shows that all of this global warming is caused by humans. The fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas we burn to turn on our lights, take showers, watch TV, etc., creates carbon dioxide which traps heat from going out of our atmosphere or into space. This increases the Earth’s temperature. Another issue for global warming is deforestation, especially down south in tropical areas. Less oxygen is being released into the atmosphere which is only making this critical issue worse. Glaciers and Icebergs are melting at a rapid pace from the heat that is growing to the north + south poles and tips + tops of mountains all over the world, causing our sea levels to r

Current Event #8: Freshmen Girl Defensive End

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1/14/20                                                                              Blaine Gould                       A starting freshmen girl defensive end Anderson is a freshman football player that is following her dreams. She started football as a seventh-grader and now is playing varsity football. Her coaches say that she is always trying to work harder and never giving up. They say every time she gets knocked down she gets right back up and works harder. She always had played football at recess with the boys and one day someone said she was good and she should play. She worked hard during seventh and eighth grade and did Crossfit to make her stronger. Many of her teammates got hurt in the first coup

Current Event #7: The Australian Bushfires

The Australian Bushfires The Bushfires started in late December of 2019. It has burned over 290 million acres already and will burn more if not stopped. There are 25 civilians dead and 3 volunteers dead. The cause is record-breaking temperatures. Over 14,000 houses were destroyed in the bushfires. More than 1 Billion animals died. I think this is horrible and I think the US government should donate some money to Australia. So Australia can plant back the trees and plants. Plus Australia could build rehabilitation centers for the animals.              

Current Event # 6: Is Maine Maritime Academy degree is more valuable than one from Harvard

Blaine gould 10/26/19 A Maine Maritime Academy degree is more valuable than one from Harvard, study finds Larry Burrill started college with his goal to walk into a job that paid well after graduation. He came from a family of humble means and knew he would be paying his way through school. He chose Maine Maritime Academy because he knew graduates were earning starting salaries double or triple what he could otherwise expect to make. I think everyone should have to go to college because everyone would be making more money and then there wouldn’t be homeless people. Also, the Economy would go up.        

Current Event #5: It’s getting colder

 Blaine Gould 11/20/19 It’s getting colder Unusual weather has been creeping in Maine and farther south. Record-breaking temperatures have caused deaths, big accidents and snow squalls. In the northeast, temperatures drop even more Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. Its airmass was producing mid-winter conditions. The temperature dropped to 18 degrees Fahrenheit in Birmingham, Alabama, early Wednesday, breaking the low record by 22 degrees.  I think this is happening because of climate change. Climate change is when some parts of the world get hot where it’s so posted to be cold. And some parts of the World are getting cold where it is so posted to be hot. Climate change has been happening since the 1960’s. I think climate change is happening because people are throwing their trash in the ocean are and cars, and factories are pollution. That is making the world have climate change.             

Current Event #4: An Old Town native is tending the Patriots’ field, with the help of his dog

Blaine Gould 11/7/19 An Old Town native is tending the Patriots’ field, with the help of his dog    Ryan Bjorn did not play football while he attending Old Town High School. Bjorn found out that life can take some unexpected turns. The route to his new position as the field superintendent at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough Massachusetts. “He said he is excited to be back in New England.” He wouldn’t have made it to Foxborough if he didn’t start young. He started when he was a teen at the Bangor Municipal Golf Course and the Penobscot Valley Country Club in Orono. I think being an NFL field manager would be a cool job to do. And he has a dog that he gets to keep that helps him scare all the bird off the field. Plus he gets to watch the Patriots play and practice.       

Current Event #3: Banning Maines Mascots

Blaine Gould  10/9/19 Current event 3 Banning Maine’s mascots? Back in May of 2019 Governor Janet Mills signed a bill making Maine the first state in the country to ban Native American mascots in all public schools. Janet made this bill because it is offensive to the native Americans. Governor ban all schools or university from having Native Americans mascots, names and imagery. People in Skowhegan have argued for many years if they should get the mascot changed. And if this bill takes place it will take place later this year. I agree with this because it is disrespectful and rude to native Americans. Alos this is rude because the native Americans feel like they are being mocked. People can find a different mascot the natives can’t change their history.